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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Old statements come back to haunt Badawi (ref. malaysiakini)

Malaysiakini's report:

Several speakers at a forum last night 'reminded' Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of his as well as his government's statements against the Internal Security Act (ISA) and other laws that impinge on the right to fair trial.

dap abolish isa forum 230908 ambiga sreenevasanSpeaking at a forum entitled 'Abolish the ISA' organised by DAP at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur, Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan kicked off the calls for Abdullah to 'introspect' by recounting his statements in 2006. -

Full Article: Old statements come back to haunt Badawi (ref. Malaysiakini)


telur dua said...
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telur dua said...

Dollah mudah lupa.