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Monday, September 29, 2008

Majority of Malays find Ahmad Ismail remarks inappropriate - Malaysiakini

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 30 – More than 50 per cent of Malay voters polled recently felt Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's controversial remarks about the Chinese community were inappropriate, according to a recent survey by the independent Merdeka Centre.

As expected, a total of 90 per cent Chinese voters and 97 per cent of Indian voters found his "immigrant" remarks inappropriate. (ref. malaysiakini)

Full Article: Majority of Malays find Ahmad Ismail's remarks inappropriate -

1 comment:

Ikrak said...

When UMNO leaders and office bearers open their mouths to speak, they let out shit, fart and vomit.

What can we expect from people who have been plundering the nation wealth through corruption, nepotism, cronism, UMNOism and incompetency.

They eat shit through their mouths, they let out shit from their mouths.